Sunday, September 30, 2012

Flag and Meaning

Flag and Meaning
The flag comprises of a Blue Strip, followed by a White and Green Strips in a vertical positions. The picture of Late Dr. Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy with all his pet schemes in a circle shape are embossed in the White strip.
The symbols of the schemes include Aarogya Sree, Indiramma Housing, Jalayagnam, Pension Schemes, Fee Reimbursement etc.

The meaning of three strips as follows:
  • Blue Strip
  • This symbolizes the Color of Water, Youth Consciousness, Self Respect of Dalits

  • White Strip in the Middle
  • This hints at a clean and plain image of Late Dr. YS Rajasekhar Reddy and symbolizes Peace.

  • Green Strip
  • This symbolizes the slogan of Harithandhra Pradesh, Power of Minorities and Humanitarian Spirit.

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